
Maximizing Returns: The Benefits of Corporate Savings for Business Owners & the 25% Tax Option

May 1, 2024
25% tax on Corporate Savings

In the dynamic landscape of business ownership, planning for the future is essential. One often-overlooked aspect of financial planning for business owners is corporate savings.   Corporate savings represent a valuable tool for business owners seeking to enhance financial resilience, optimize tax efficiency, and secure long-term prosperity. Only withdrawals, surrenders, maturities, assignments, events every eight […]

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Where to begin when making a Will

April 2, 2024

Making a Will  Taking the time to draw up a plan for your estate can prove to be one of the greatest legacies you will leave your loved ones. A plan clearly setting out what you’re wishes are and where your most important documents are kept can make it easier for your loved ones and […]

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5 financial reasons to say “I do”…

February 14, 2024
Financial reasons to tie the knot

“You don’t marry someone you can live with…  You marry someone you can’t live without” – unknown   Ok so it’s not the most romantic reason for a proposal, but there are many financial and practical reasons to tie the knot. As well as the joy of sharing your life with the love of your […]

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10 Reasons to Jump Start Your Financial Future…

January 2, 2024
Set our financial goals or 2024

GET FINANCIALLY FIT for 2024!!!   It’s time to improve your overall financial knowledge Get clear on your options. Taking the time to understand your current financial position will help you identify the challenges that you may face (both now and in the future). The sooner you identify these, the sooner you can remedy them […]

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A Financially Savvy Christmas Guide

December 11, 2023

The holiday season is here, a time filled with joy, celebrations, and the spirit of giving. However, amidst the glitter and garlands, it’s crucial to navigate the festive tide without capsizing your finances. Here’s a few smart strategies to ensure you welcome the New Year without financial worries trailing behind.     Craft a Festive Financial Plan […]

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Estate Planning mistakes that can cost you dearly!

November 6, 2023
Inheritance and Gift tax planning

Having an estate plan can provide peace of mind, ensure your assets are passed on to the right people, your wishes are carried out and loved ones are protected after you die. However, failing to have a plan in place can lead to some costly mistakes and repercussions for beneficiaries.   Whether it’s an oversight […]

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How are you Saving for your Child’s Future

August 25, 2023
How are you saving for your child's education?

For most people, having a family requires some financial adjustments to cover the costs of childcare, education, and essentials. Not to mention all the day-to-day expenses that crop up. However, one expense is for certain … from the time your child is born you know when they’ll start school, when they’ll go to secondary school […]

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Personal Financial Planning for Business Owners

July 12, 2023
Personal Financial Planning Solutions for Business Owners

To what degree do you expect the business to form part of your assets?   How do you view your business in the context of your overall financial goals?   You might find that relying on your business to fund your retirement restricts your options for the future…    Building and maintaining a new business […]

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Are you planning to give a gift of money or other assets to someone other than your spouse or civil partner in the future?

July 5, 2023
Inheritance and Gift tax planning

The basic goal of estate and gift tax planning is to ensure that as much of your assets and property, whether they are gifted during your lifetime or bequeathed in your Will, are transferred with as little taxation consequences as possible.   With careful estate and tax planning, it is possible to minimize or even […]

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Estate Planning for Co-habiting Couples

June 14, 2023
Estate planning for co-habiting couples

Do you live with your partner? Not planning to “tie the knot” any time soon? Have you thought about what might happen to your partner if anything happens to you ?    Well listen up… unfortunately when it comes to estate planning for co-habiting couples you don’t have the same legal rights & protections of […]

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Inheritance Tax Planning

November 3, 2022
Lifestyle Photo

Anyone who owns property or other assets should make a Will. Having an up-to-date Will means your assets will be distributed according to your wishes. More importantly, your family is spared a complicated and drawn-out administration of your estate as set out by the Succession Act 1965. Dying intestate (without making a Will) means your personal […]

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Do you have a pension with a previous employer?

September 8, 2022
Pension with a Previous Employer

When our parents started working it was normal to stay with the same company until you retired. Nowadays it is rare for someone to stay with the same employer for 20 or 30 years. Most of us will have 5 or 6 jobs before we retire, we may even change career 2 or 3 times […]

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How can you make your money go further…

August 9, 2022
Inflation effect on shopping

Everything is getting more and more expensive – food, energy, even second-hand cars… These elevated inflation rates are due to a culmination of factors including supply chain disruption and labour shortages due to Covid 19, the impact of the war in Ukraine, and increases in energy costs.   Now, more than ever it’s important to […]

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The Top 5 Myths of Life Insurance (and how not to get caught up in the hype…)

July 5, 2022
5 myths of life insurance

When it comes to protecting yourself and your family the most important thing is to get the facts and take the mystery out of your financial protection once and for all. Most people are surprised at how financially exposed they are and the right life insurance policy at the right price can be critical at […]

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Transferring your UK Pension to Ireland

June 29, 2022
UK pension transfer to Ireland

If you live in Ireland but have a British pension or investment now is a good time to review them and consider whether or not to transfer your UK pension to Ireland. As with everything there are pros and cons but the benefits will depend on the type of pension you have.   Most of […]

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Financial Tips for Soon to be Parents

June 9, 2022
financial tips for soon to be parents

Starting a family is a wonderful and exciting chapter in anyone’s life. It also means adjusting to a whole new lifestyle, so a little planning can go a long way towards helping you remain in control of your money. The birth of your first child can put your financial plans awry if you don’t have […]

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Tax Treatments on Investments – What you should consider

May 19, 2022
Tax treatments on investments

By Cleona Kinahan M.Sc CFP® QFA FLIA   No matter what type of savings or investment account you have your money in chances are you’ll be liable for some level of tax on any gains made on your investment – Dirt; Stamp Duty; Capital Gains Tax; Exit Tax. Tax treatments on investments should be one […]

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You can’t manage what you don’t measure!

April 12, 2022
Tax treatments on investments

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. This statement is true for any aspect of your life, but none more appropriate than your finances. Talking about your finances can help people to make better informed financial decisions, feel less stressed, & more in control   Do you need to start saving a little bit more? […]

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Financial Planning for Women Through Different Stages of Their Life

March 8, 2022

Read more about Financial Planning for Women through different stages of their life to find out how you can improve your money management & start your financial plan. Click on the headings below for more detail.   We all need to keep sight of what’s important. The financial choices you make should be determined by […]

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Keeping perspective during stock market volatility

March 3, 2022
what to do about market volatility

The humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine is devastating and extremely distressing. The impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has unnerved global markets. Investors worried about recent events and the movement of the markets should not be quick to react. They need to hold tight… now is not the time to get out.   There […]

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How can you improve your long-term investment opportunities in a volatile stock market.

September 16, 2021
what to do about market volatility

When pursuing long-term financial goals such as saving for retirement or for your child’s education a regular savings plan can provide many potential benefits to investors. However, interest rates being what they are at the moment do not allow for much growth in your savings. So, how can you improve your investment opportunities long-term in […]

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Protecting your Income

July 16, 2021
Protecting your income

Professionals are Failing to Protect their Biggest Asset; Themselves! With years of education behind them, and years of earning potential in front of them, professional individuals are a valuable commodity. But why are so few protecting themselves – financially?  Many professionals are self-employed, adding another layer of financial responsibility to the equation. Despite their significant insurance […]

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Nearing Retirement: Checklist of things to do

July 15, 2021
nearing retirement

Checklist of things to do when you near retirement   It’s a good idea to start planning when you’re nearing retirement age.  Here is a checklist of things to work on now before you retire:   Find your paperwork. Old pensions from previous employers, life cover, current investments, pensions. Some people are very organised, they […]

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What you need to know about starting a pension

July 15, 2021
what you need to know about starting a pension

What do you need to know about starting a pension? People retiring today expect to be much more active than previous generations, so it’s important that you prepare for the life you want to live when you reach retirement age. You may not want to stop working at 66 but you should know what your […]

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The Impact of Inflation on Your Savings & Investments

July 6, 2021
The impact of inflation on savings and investments

Euro saved is a Euro earned! So the saying goes, but thanks to inflation the value of that Euro saved could be a lot less than when you earned it, over time.  The obvious impact of inflation on your savings is that your purchasing power is eroding. This means that if you stash €100 under […]

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Keeping your wealth in the family…

June 18, 2021
Keeping your wealth in he family

Passing on wealth can be a sensitive subject not only because of the financial complexities but also the family emotions and politics it might drag up. In 2020, Revenues net receipts from Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT) were €505 million. €430 million of this was made up of Inheritance Tax and €71 million was made up […]

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Company Owners avoid the 20% surcharge on your reserves

April 12, 2021
Business owners risk management

Irish companies which are “close” companies are liable to pay a 20% surcharge each year on any investment income (or deposit income) which is not distributed. A “close” company is a business controlled by 5 or fewer participators – i.e. a person who has an interest in the income or capital of a company. Does […]

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All content provided in the above blog posts is intended for information purposes only and should not be interpreted as financial advice. You should always obtain your own independent financial and legal advice based on your own particular circumstances, before entering any financial contract.